Basic Income: An Introduction

Basic income has been described as potentially one of the most transformative social policies that we can enact. It has the possibility of ending poverty, releasing entrepreneurial potential, and increasing productivity by creating financial opportunities that would allow individuals to upgrade their skillset. Yet, it has had its detractors. Others have described it as being as being prohibitively expensive, as paying for people to sit on their couches and as removing the motivation for work. So, what is the truth? 

Fortunately, Basic income is a social policy that has been deeply studied with experimentation of it around the globe. 


Join us for a conversation with John Rook, as we discern if Basic Income is an issue that we want to support. John Rook has a wealth of experience from his leadership at several Calgary non-profits including The Calgary Homeless Foundation, Potential Place, The Alex Community Health Centre, and The Salvation Army Community Services. He is a leading advocate for policy change in Calgary. John is also a board member of Basic Income Canada Network. 


Join us

Monday May 18th at 7:00 pm on Zoom.


The zoom link will be sent to you when you register. 

May 18, 2020 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Elizabeth McLennan
Alan Frank Nathaniel Leavitt Diane Paley Phil Holck Magdalena Muir Kimberly Dawn Deborah Roth Elaine Gibson Lynn Gaudet Barbara Lane Corinne MacLean John Rook Daniel Jerusalimiec Marcia Gervais Paddy Colfer Grant Howell Dalton Harding Natalie Odd Philip Lozano Debra Faulk Meral Unal Patricia Martinez Maureen Johnson Katherine Van Pernis Maya Fishkis Donna Ontonio Doug Chandler Ron Carswell Glenn Swanson Mike Campbell Heather Campbell Jonas Cornelsen Nancy Rose Linda Mclaughlinn Lisa Lorenzetti Robert Armstrong Donna Ruparell Sam Sharpe Ashley Perry Birte Bergman Paul Geay Cathy Moore Alison Longson Carol Gardiner Elizabeth Rodier Bryan Cummings Diane Hutton Martina Eckert

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