Our priority in how we respond to the COVID-19 is to build what will be the foundation for everything else we do, building teams in each of our member organizations. We usually call these core team; different organizations will have different names. Already many of you have begun to do this. We want to help strengthen this work and give you tools if you haven’t already started. To do this, we will be hosting the first of a series of webinars that were initially planned as a part of our mental health and social isolation campaigns. The first webinar will be:
Step1: Build a team and listen!
This webinar will focus on how you can apply the skills of community organizing to building strong teams and what the first step of these teams should be – a listening campaign. Listening campaigns are not just focused on listening for help, but more importantly, focused on identifying potential leaders. We will also use this time to share best practices from teams that are already up and running. We will also share some online tools that can help these teams function remotely during this time of social distancing.
This Training will be Thursday, April 2nd at 7:00 pm. Please register below to receive the zoom log in information.