Develop Leaders. Build Relationships. Take Action for the Common Good.
Our Board Chair and the Reverend David Pickett discuss in this one minute video why they support the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good.
Click here to donate now via
Charitable donations can be made through our shared Canadian network of broad-based community organizing alliances - The Industrial Areas Foundation Canada. 100% of donations designated for the Calgary Alliance Fund goes to support the Calgary Alliance's ongoing community leadership training and research initiatives.
Please consider becoming a monthly donor. Monthly donations help us ensure that we have a strong and stable financial base for the work we do.
Donations can also be sent to:
Industrial Areas Foundation Canada
PO Box 20094 RPO Fairview
Vancouver BC
V5Z 0C1
Please make sure cheques are made out to the Industrial Areas Foundation Canada - and include in the memo line that it is for the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good Fund.