Founding Assembly: A Powerful Evening

What a powerful evening

Last night Knox was full. Full of people. Full of energy. Full of possibility. It started with the beautiful singing and dancing of our children. A blessing and song from Elder Good Eagle. Then came the role call. Organization after organization came up to not only demonstrate the power we represent, but also why it was important. Then with, everyone stood and with some good whooping and hollering we formally founding the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good.



Now the work of making Calgary a place of compassion has begun. Last night it began where we always begin this work, by listening to each other’s stories. We didn’t just leave these stories as stories of individuals, we recognized that these were stories that speak to the bigger public issues that our communities faced. Then we used our collective power to bring these stories to those who have the power to make a difference.


Those in power reacted to our shared power. Mayor Nenshi gave a rousing endorsement of our work. Councillor Farrell challenged us to get engaged at city Hall. MP Kent Herh spoke of how movements like our leads to lasting change. Chief Crowchild pushed us to think and work together. All of them, said clearly that yes, they will work with us to address the issues that our community faces. Issues of Mental Health, Social Isolation, the Environment and Truth And Reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.



So Now what – How do we take this moment, your commitments and translate it into actions that can result in lasting change?



  1. You can join one of our research action team.


  • Mental Health and Addictions - Monday November 4th at 7:00 pm at St. Andrews Anglican
  • Social Isolation – Thursday - October 24th at 7:00 pm at Christ Church Anglican
  • Truth and Reconciliation – Tuesday November 12th at 6:00 pm at the Central Library Room 3-17B
  • Environment – Tuesday November 19th 7:00 pm at Norfolk Housing Association



  1. ­­You can talk with your institutional leader to join the core/organizing team in your organization to work on to strengthening your organization and how it addresses these issues.


  1. You can attend the Climate Conversation – November 18th at 7:00 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church and register at:


  1. You can attend the Foundations of Community Organizing Training November 29 (7-9:30pm) & 30th (9 am – 4pm) – please register at:


  1. You can financially support the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good –Donations can be made through Canada Helps through the Industrial Areas Foundation Canada


  1. If your organization is not yet a member you can explore how your organization can become a member of the Calgary Alliance by contacting our organizer at [email protected]



You can also join us on Wednesday October 23rd at 9:30 am  at City Hall with your green scarfs as we advocate, as a part of the city’s budget process, to continue the city’s support for the low income transit pass. If you come look for Rev. Anna Greenwood-lee who will be coordinating this. Each citizen can speak for up to 5 minuets during these budget consultations.