Leaders Chat: Will Calgary's 4 Year Budget Pass the Climate Test?

Good day, Friends.


This month, City Council will approve a 4-year budget. Council’s budget review occurs in the shadow of the annual world climate summit taking place in Egypt. The head of the United Nations, António Guterres, has a blunt warning for all governments. The world is failing to meet its climate targets.


A year ago, our new City Council’s very first decision – to declare a Climate Emergency – inspired many of us. In July, they approved the Calgary Climate Strategy – Pathways to 2050.


So. Will City Council fund their climate targets in the 4-year budget?


I believe we genuinely want to live our lives without harming ourselves or the earth. But what are the right things to do? Will the pathways proposed in the Calgary Climate Strategy get us to net zero emissions?


Most importantly, what should we citizens be asking City Council to fund in the budget? How do we know we’re asking for the right things?


These questions motivated me to dive more deeply into the measures proposed in the Calgary Climate Strategy. My findings may well astound you. They certainly astounded me. And I’d like to share them with you. (Spoiler alert: the benefits are more affordable than you might think.)


If you are curious, please join me by Zoom on Wednesday, November 9. I’ll present my findings at 12:00 – 1:00 pm and again at 7:00 – 8:00 pm. Each session will have a relatively concise overview with time for questions and discussion.


Let me know your preferred time and I’ll send you a Zoom link to join in.


I’m eager to share my findings!


Bob Hawkesworth


RSVP below to receive the Zoom link.

November 09, 2022 at 12:00pm - 1pm
Bob Hawkesworth ·

Will you come?