October 31st, 2022 - You're Invited: 2022 Action Assembly

October 31st, 2022


Event: You're Invited —
Calgarians to gather at Temple B'nai Tikvah for an action assembly on Calgary’s next budget.

Calgary, AB - Please join us for our gathering on Thursday, November 3rd at 7:00 PM at Temple B'nai Tikvah (900 47 Ave SW).

We have been meeting with councillors these past few months and engaging with this new council since the election last fall. 

As an Alliance, we have a variety of items that we have raised with our elected officials – from the work to fulfill the Missing Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Report on reforming the Calgary Police Service, to the ongoing efforts on making our city climate resilient, and community well-being coming out of Covid-19 around mental and community health.



“The decisions that our city councillors and mayor make now not only impact our children today, and have lasting effects on the city they will experience as adults. But these decisions can also plant the seeds of change that can blossom in our children’s generation.

"Some of this work will take time, but it’s the work that we do now that benefits not only this generation but the next and the one following after it.”

The Rev. Erin Klassen
Co-Chair, Strategy Team
Calgary Alliance for the Common Good

"This process began with our listening campaign earlier this year, where we gathered with our 30+ member institutions and 30,000+ Calgarians to hear what our city needs to be a place for everyone to live, grow, and experience safety.”

“And what we heard from our listening campaign was troubling. Of course, we heard about the same issues that fill our newspapers and media: the efforts to revitalize a downtown left behind by members of our corporate leadership, an ever-burgeoning sprawling city, cuts to public education, a mental health crisis, safety on transit and more."

Elyse Brazel, Organizer,
Calgary Alliance for the Common Good

Media Contacts:

The Rev. Erin Klassen
EMAIL: [email protected]

Elyse Brazel,
EMAIL: [email protected]


About the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good:

The Calgary Alliance for the Common Good is a non-partisan and non-profit alliance of congregations, unions, school and community groups in Calgary representing more than 35,000 people. These organizations came together to form the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good in order to organize the power of our communities to shape a just and compassionate city.

Learn more: https://www.calgarycommongood.org/about_us

