Prof. Benjamin Perrin of UBC Law School will be speaking on Transforming the Criminal Justice System at Ambrose University on Monday 20 November at 7:30 pm. The lecture is co-sponsored by the Christian Ethics Class of Ambrose University and the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good.
The University of Toronto released Prof. Perrin's book Indictment: The Criminal Justice System on Trial last month. Perrin critiques the system from a trauma informed perspective. He examines its treatment of victims of crime, Indigenous people, Black Canadians, people with mental health disorders, substance abuse issues, and people experiencing homelessness, poverty and unemployment. HIs work is based on extensive interviews with people directly impacted by the criminal justice system and victims of crime. He offers promising models that restore people to dignity and participation in the life of the community.
Prof. Perrin was formerly an adviser to Prime Minister Harper and a law clerk at the Supreme Court.
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