Weekly News & Events October 19, 2020
Weekly News & Events: October 19 - 24
Upcoming Events
Fall Assembly: Thurs. October 29 at 7pm.
The Calgary Alliance represents 35,000 Calgarians who are working together to build a stronger Calgary. Show up at our Fall Assembly to hear Mayor Nenshi speak, learn about our Fall Campaigns and add your voice to make a difference in building a stronger, more resilient city. Use the hashtag, #showupyyc, the graphic below and the link on social media to invite others and let them know you'll be showing up on October 29.(Please register as well at the link below.)
For more information and to register please click here.
Our Alliance has had some great success stories in advocacy this year and we will gather online to mark these achievements. But, even more importantly, we will come together at this Assembly to advance the conversation about Calgary's budget; its relationship to the future of our city and the way in which our city and our police force can move towards Truth and Reconciliation, through the expansion of the Indigenous Liaison program. Mayor Nenshi is scheduled to speak among many others. I do hope you can join me for this moving event.
Tonight: Fundraising Training: Mon. October 19 at 7pm.
Money is a key ingredient towards turning the dreams and potential of your non-profit, synagogue, church and this Alliance into a flourishing reality. There is much good work to be done in our city and our organizations, that requires capital.
If you're interested in learning how to apply principles of community organizing to the process of raising money for Calgary Alliance’s fund-raising campaign, this training is for you. As a kick off training for the Calgary Alliance’s fund-raising campaign, it is intended both for leaders who want to participate in this campaign and for leaders from our member organizations who want to learn how to raise money to support the mission of their organizations.
Free for all Calgary Alliance for the Common Good Members.
For more information and to register please click here.
How to Use Social Media Effectively for Public Life: Nov. 5: 7pm
Social media is a powerful tool. Join us for this training to learn how to use social media to both strengthen communications within your organization and for collective public action. This webinar will be facilitated by Alex Middleton and Annelise Klingbeil from Champion Communications.
For more information and to register please click here.
Foundations for Community Organizing: Monday's & Thursday's November 16-30: Register here.
Other News
Volunteers Needed: Food Hamper Delivery
News & Upcoming Events from our Member Organizations
October is End Poverty Month in Calgary. In support of ending poverty, Vibrant Communities Calgary is hosting a number of related events, check them out here.
Become an Enough for All Poverty Reduction Champion: If you are part of an organization, collaborative or network who wants to be more involved in Enough for All and poverty reduction in Calgary, join VCC's event on Wednesday, October 21 at 12 p.m. to learn more about becoming a Champion here.
Learn about Enough for All, Calgary's Poverty Reduction Strategy on Weds. October 28 at 12 p.m. Register here.
The Soul of the Next Economy Forum is a virtual conference surrounding the theme of co-creating the new normal of our post-COVID world. We invite you to be a part of this conversation. .
Check it out here: soulofthenexteconomyforum.com
Agile Leadership Training
The new Agile Leadership Training at St. Mary's University is designed to equip leaders with cutting-edge skills, an Agile mindset, and the knowledge to achieve sustainable agility in their organizations. Check it out here.
Coming to the Fire: Embodying Anti-Racist Culture and Practice
St. Mary's University is offering a four part series that explores the roots of racism, colonial violence and power and oppression, and seeks to guide participants to come to a greater understanding of the impacts of racism on an individual, institutional, and societal level. Participants will learn about critical race theory and practices of anti-racism across different aspects of their lives.
For more information or to register please click here.
Meet a Religious Member and their Community Virtually
This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know a Calgary Religious Leader and virtually visit their place of worship.
Last week's feature was: Archbishop of Calgary The Most Rev’d Gregory Kerr-Wilson – Anglican Cathedral Church of the Redeemer.
Check out all of the previous highlights on CIC's YouTube Channel: