Weekly News for June 15th to 21st

Annual General Meeting 2020

Thursday, June 25: 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.

For more information and to register click here.  

The Calgary Alliance for the Common Good will hold its Annual General Meeting June 25th from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Zoom.  All members are welcome to attend, but we ask that each member organization send at least one delegate. We look forward to having this time of celebrating our accomplishments over the past year, reviewing our finances, electing our board and preparing for the year to come.  

Domestic Violence Webinar

Thursday, June 25: 7-9 p.m. Click here for more information and to register.

“Domestic violence is at epidemic levels in Alberta with 1 in 3 individuals experiencing violence in their lifetime. The impact of domestic violence knows no bounds. Incidents of domestic violence exist across rural and urban areas, within all cultural and faith communities, amongst university educated professionals with a roof over their heads and those who don’t know where their next safe place to sleep will be.

Join us for a presentation by Carolyn Mitchell, Real Talk Program Coordinator at Sagesse. Carolyn Mitchell works as the Real Talk Program Coordinator with Sagesse.

This presentation is jointly sponsored by CACG, Calgary Interfaith Council, and the I-CARE (Interfaith Community Approach Resisting and Eliminating Hate, Racism and Violence) Task Force.


Building Resiliency For Health & Well-being Webinar

Thursday, July 9 at 7p.m. Click here for more information and to register.

We are only beginning to understand the significant connections between our mental and physical health. Join us for a webinar on Resiliency Factors for Health and Well-Being to learn about the "mix of six," resiliency factors that contribute to health and well-being. These resiliency factors: love and support, stress management, sleep, physical activity, diet and healthy environment, can be supported by mind-body practices that reduce stress, including the practice of mindfulness.

Dr. Linda Carlson, Director of Research and a Clinical Psychologist at the Department of Psychosocial Resources at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre and Dr. Bonnie Caplan, Professor Emerita in the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary, will present on resiliency factors, and the benefits of mindfulness while sharing simple mindfulness techniques that can be incorporated into your life for daily stress reduction.


Ongoing Monthly Events

Research Action & Strategy Meetings are monthly and are always open to members of the alliance.


Social Isolation Research Action:

June 23 at 7 p.m. (Fourth Tuesday of every month)

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Strategy Team Meeting: 

June 25 at 11 a.m. (Fourth Thursday of every Month)

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Mental Health Research Action:

July 6 at 7p.m. (First Monday of every month)

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Truth & Reconciliation Research Action:

July 14 at 8p.m. (Second Tuesday of every month)

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Environment Research Action:

July 21 at 7p.m.(third Tuesday of every month)

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