Take Action on Affordable Housing

Calgary is in a housing crisis.

Email Your Councillor

Calgary is in a housing crisis. Your presence is needed: firstly, to share with our political leaders the importance of this issue to everyday Calgarians. It impacts all walks of life, from students to those on fixed incomes and Calgarians starting their lives in our communities and neighbourhoods.

We've launched a writing campagin, which you can view and send in a message to your city councillor here.



Councillors are reviewing these recommendations after voting against them, and then returning to council to vote for them again (14-1). However, it was only done after public pressure by people like you and us.

Pressure needs to take place again. Your attention and your voice is needed now more than ever. So please reach out to your local representative to have your voice heard in advocating for the common good.

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Rally @ City Hall - Take Action on Affordable Housing

Rally – Please join us on September 14th over the lunch hour to gather on the front steps of City Hall.




Aside from the writing campaign, which you can participate with here, and the rally at city hall on the 14th, there are other ways to advocate for affordable housing and the common good this September. Here are some ideas:

Speak at Council –

  • Register to speak on the Public Submissions portal, here.

Attend a Training –

  • The Calgary Climate Hub is hosting a training on how to speak at city hall. RSVP for this gathering that's taking place on the 7th. - RSVP

  • Our friends at ACORN and Calgary's Future are also hosting a training, which you can sign up for here.

Share the Message –

  • We have uploaded our graphics and toolkits to our internal campaign page. You can view it here on our microsite. If you manage a newsletter, social media account or a WhatsApp group, it makes for easy sharing of content for your team and community.

  • If you are a leader or part of an organization that has yet to sign the Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organization's joint letter, consider reviewing their letter and connecting with their team.

  • Tweet or share to Facebook.