Green Line Victory
On June 16, 2020 Calgary City Council approved the Green Line! This approval is an incredible victory for both ordinary Calgarians and for the Calgary Alliance! Our members successfully fought for the Green Line by writing letters, making phone calls, tweeting, speaking at Council and coming to socially distant rallies.
This campaign was about fighting for a city that looks after ALL its citizens, one that believes in helping our vulnerable get to their place of work, families take their children to school and recreational facilities, and seniors remain mobile, all while reducing Green House Gas Emissions, creating jobs and diversifying our economy!
A few thoughts on this victory:
"Today, we are celebrating that despite a concerted effort by a small group of elites to derail it, this project is going ahead. It will bring 3 billion dollars of stimulus money and 20, 000 jobs to our city. It will help Calgarians get to their places of work, help families take their children to school and recreational facilities, and help our seniors remain mobile" "The idea that this was 'a bridge too far' or a 'Green Line to nowhere' was insulting to the thousands of Calgarians who live and work in the neighborhoods the line will serve. The 16th Ave station is slated to be the third busiest station in Calgary as soon as it opens."
- Bruce Payne, Vice President of the Alliance and Business Agent for the Alberta Carpenters (Local 2010), Calgary Alliance for the Common Good Member
"The goal of the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good is to create a more just and compassionate Calgary. Transit is a life-line for a huge number of people in our City and is something the Alliance will always speak up for. In the Fall we mobilized our members and saved the low-income transit pass. This time we were part of getting the Green Line built. We will continue our work of bringing the voices of ordinary Calgarians to City Hall."
- The Rev. Anna Greenwood-Lee, Chair of Calgary Alliance for the Common Goo