Past Campaigns & Victories

Green Line advocacy kept project from being scrapped

On October 10, 2024 Calgarians got the good news that the City of Calgary and the Province of Alberta have agreed to continue with some of the work on the Green Line, saving 700 jobs and salvaging nearly 2 Billion dollars of tax payer money from being wasted. 

We at the Alliance have heard that our efforts to keep the province engaged was key in moving them to collaborative action with the city. We are counting this as a win for civic engagement! 

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UnCommonly Good Celebration Dinner

On April 27, 2024 we hosted our first-ever UnCommonly Good Celebration Dinner fundraiser at Knox United Church. With over 200 people in attendance, the event raised over $25,000 dollars to support the work of the Alliance.

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Re-Zoning for Housing passes!

We rallied on the steps of City Hall on April 22nd,  2024and urged members to write to their councilor in favor our rezoning or speak at the hearing, and then on Tuesday May 14 City Council passed the Rezoning for Housing bylaw by a vote of 9-6 after the longest public hearing in Calgary's history. Now single-family, duplex and rowhouses can be built city wide. This change cuts red tape in creating more housing supply which will positively impact affordability, and it creates positive housing density which is good for the environment! 

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Moving Calgary Forward - Victories from the 2022 Budget

During the 2022 Budget campaign our members in collaboration with others, secured funding for the Climate Resilience Strategy, the 5A network, continuation of the Mental Health Strategy and successfully pushed for the City to re-engage and move forward with the Indigenous Gathering Place

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A Major Victory for The Mental Well-Being of our Children and Youth!

Yesterday (July 28th, 2022) Mike Ellis, the minister for Mental Health and addictions, announced an additional $87 million over three years that will go to school-based mental health and pediatric rehabilitation supports. $42 million of this will go to mental health support, and $45 million will go to pediatric rehabilitation support. This is in addition to the $110 million that was announced in June.


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Make Calgary Net-Zero


Late last night, Calgary’s City Council voted 13-2 to declare a climate emergency and call to action. This motion included a clear direction to city administration to make Calgary a Net-Zero city by 2050.

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Green Line Victory!

In July of 2021, the Green Line LRT, as announced by Mayor Naheed Nenshi and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is a go. A news release from the Government of Alberta the same day also confirmed that the province has reviewed the City of Calgary's business case for the Green Line - and approved it.

That means all three levels of government are onboard the Green Line and, in the fall of 2021, construction begins. Learn more here.

Langevin Renamed

Langevin School has been renamed, effectively immediately, by the Calgary Board of Education!


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Enmax to go Net-Zero

ENMAX is going Net-Zero by 2050.

This is an important step by the city in meeting our shared responsibility and do our part in addressing climate change. The adoption of the goal means a change to how the utility runs its companies, the creation of new opportunities for Calgarians and moving forward on climate change in our city.

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Passing the Mental Health Strategy

We took action by asking our city councillors to pass the city's Mental Health strategy. In March of 2021, the strategy passed at council and will begin to be implemented across the city. This programming was threatened with cuts in July of 2019. We took action then, too, to stop those cuts to the most vulnerable in our city.

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Green Line Victory

On June 16, 2020 Calgary City Council approved the Green Line! This approval is an incredible victory for both ordinary Calgarians and for the Calgary Alliance! Our members successfully fought for the Green Line by writing letters, making phone calls, tweeting, speaking at Council and coming to socially distant rallies.

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When the City of Calgary announced $60 million - $120 million over a year - in cuts to services, The Calgary Alliance for the Common Good launched the #KeepCalgaryStrong campaign and invited others to join in. Together we got a reaction that preserved many essential services for Calgarians, especially those who are most vulnerable. 

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Increasing Income Supports

Our leaders asked the provincial government to increase social supports for low-income Albertans. Then in November 2018, we heard the good news that these supports will be raised and indexed to inflation.


Elder Led Reconcilation

Relationships formed through the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good resulted in the creation of an Elder-led reconciliation process. In this process, 17 Christian leaders are meeting monthly with elders, following a process of trust and relationship-building designed by the Elders.

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Creation of Calgary’s Interfaith Council

Leaders from our Alliance recognized that there was a need for faith communities to come together to address poverty in our city, engage in dialogue and overcome our divisions. In response, they created Calgary's Interfaith Council which went on to win the King Abdullah II UN World Interfaith Harmony Week prize.

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Mental Health Training After Calgary’s 2013 Flood

After Calgary’s 2013 flood. The Calgary Alliance for the Common Good partnered with Alberta Health Services to provide mental health first aid training for community leaders so that they could be better equipped to support people dealing with the long-term mental health challenges that the flood created. This training was then offered in other communities in Alberta.

Creation of Enough for All - Calgary’s Poverty Reduction Initiative

The Calgary Alliance for the Common Good worked with the City of Calgary, the United Way, and other community organizations to create Calgary's Poverty Reduction Initiative. The Calgary Alliance for the Common Good continues to be a partner in the implementation of this strategy.