
Action Teams Now Up and Running

All of our Research Action Teams are now up and running! The first part of this process will be understanding the broad problems that we are tackling, building partnerships, and breaking all of this down to actionable issues. The work has begun and we have had our first research action visits. On behalf of our communities, a big thank you to our leaders who have made a commitment to be a part of this team. Thank you also to our new co-chairs. It is a clear sign of hope that there are leaders in our community who are willing to work for our common Good. 

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Foundations Training

Over the weekend we had a successful Foundations for Community Organizing Training. 36 people spent Friday and Saturday learning how to use the skills of community organizing to work for our common good. It was great to see both new and experienced leaders step up as trainers. Our time ended with participants planning how they will implement what they have learned. We look forward to hearing these stories.  Here are some of the quotes from some of the participants: 

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Discernment Assembly and New Campaigns

What an exciting evening we had at our Discernment Assembly on Monday evening! At the culmination of our community-wide listening campaign, 115 people gathered from our 27 member organizations to choose the issues we will tackle next as an alliance!

 A drumroll for the new campaigns . . .  They are

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Media Coverage

View previous media mentions here.