
Weekly News & Events November 9, 2020

Weekly News & Events: November 9-14


Foundations for Community Organizing: Online Monday's & Thursday's November 16-30

For more information or to register, click here.

Foundations Training begins next week and there has never been a more important time to sharpen your community organizing skills!

This training will help you enter the second year of Covid-19 and the recession ready to tackle the challenges that will be thrown at your organization, community and neighborhood.

The training is highly interactive, relational, and practical covering: 

  • Community Organizing introduction (and a refresher for old hands!).
  • Concepts of power, power-over vs power-with, power-analysis.
  • Relational Organizing:  individual relational meetings, listening, research, negotiation and action.
  • Strengthening our Organizations: building a culture that is relational, action-oriented and reflective/learning.
  • Using Relational Power in the public sphere to take collaborative action on the common issues of 2020 and 2021.


Grief and loss resulting from adverse events in life, including the current pandemic, can have multiple effects and impact mental health. When our worldview and sense of safety are altered existential and spiritual concerns often arise. Self-compassion and spirituality can play a key role in resilience and post-traumatic growth if facilitated. 

This webinar will be facilitated by Dr. Heather M. Boynton who is an Assistant Professor in Social Work at the University of Calgary, and a Registered Social Worker who has worked in mental health for over 30 years as a Child and Family Therapist, Mental Health Consultant, and a Manager in Adult Services.

Learn more and register here.


Ongoing Monthly Events

Research Action & Strategy Meetings generally meet monthly and are always open to members of the alliance.


Mental Health Research Action:

 November 9 at 7p.m. (First Monday of every month except for when the first Monday falls on a holiday, in which case the meeting will be the second Monday.)

Join Zoom Meeting:


Truth & Reconciliation Research Action:

November 10 at 7:30 p.m. (Second Tuesday of every month)

Join Zoom Meeting:



Environment Research Action:

November 17 at 7:30 p.m. (third Tuesday of every month)

Join Zoom Meeting:


Social Isolation Research Action:

November 24 at 7 p.m. (Fourth Tuesday of every month)

Please note: the Zoom link for this meeting has changed to:


Strategy Team Meeting: 

November 26 at 10:15 a.m. (Fourth Thursday of every Month)

Join Zoom Meeting:


Basic Income Team Meeting: 

December 1 at 7:00 p.m. (First Tuesday of every Month)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting


News & Upcoming Events from our Member Organizations




Consumer Debt Negotiation Project

One of Calgary Alliance's board members and partners at the public law clinic at U of C is launching a service in partnership with Vibrant Communities Calgary to help people who might be facing foreclosure or eviction. Please see the links below for more details.



The Canadian Poverty Institute is partnering with Vibrant Communities Calgary to conduct an evaluation of the formal and informal emergency food assistance system. The purpose of the project is to develop recommendations that will improve the capacity of Calgary’s emergency food assistance system to effectively deliver food assistance in an emergency, especially during COVID-19. Please see the flyer below for more information and click here to take the survey.

Agile Leadership Training

The new Agile Leadership Training at St. Mary's University is designed to equip leaders with cutting-edge skills, an Agile mindset, and the knowledge to achieve sustainable agility in their organizations. Check it out here.


Become a Friend of the Alliance today:

As a part of our Fundraising Campaign, please consider becoming a monthly donor to support our work. Information detailing how to make a donation can be found at:

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Help us build a stronger Calgary


With your help, we will continue to build a just and compassionate Calgary. We are committed to raising $100,000 to ensure we can continue on our strong advocacy. That may sound like a great deal of money but it can be raised if people like you make a monthly gift. With just 1,000 people donating $10, $25 or $50 a month, this goal is achievable. A modest, regular gift can ensure that the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good is able to continue its important work. In a world that is fixated on what we can’t do, we are focused on what is possible. 

Here are few of our recent success stories:

• Preserved $70M in City services to our most vulnerable populations with the #KeepCalgaryStrong Campaign.
• Advocated for the completion of the Green Line. The result was a 14-1 majority City Council vote in favour. This will create 20k jobs, eliminate 30k of GHG emissions per year and deliver better access to transit for all.
• Saved the low-income transit pass from being cut. This impacts 60,000 low-income Calgarians. • Developed positive working relationships with civic leaders.
• Participated in an Indigenous Elder-Led reconciliation process, unique in Canada.

A short one minute video of Our Board Chair Anna Greenwood Lee and Rev David Pickett talk about the importance of the campaign and how you can make a difference here:


New Possibilities with Your Support:

There is much work to be done beyond our five current campaigns. We need more resources and we believe our best resource is people power. Currently, we employ one full-time organizer. A second organizer could focus on:

• Expanding our member organizations.
• Making sure our diversity reflects our city.
• Connecting more effectively with the economically and socially marginalised.
• Strengthening our connections with more Indigenous partners.
• Training our membership and communities to counter racism.
• Increasing effective communications to keep our members dynamic during and after the pandemic.

How can I give?

A tax-deductible gift can be made through the Industrial Areas Foundation Canada. The Calgary Alliance for the Common Good is a member of the Industrial Areas Foundation Canada (IAFC). The IAFC unites similar broad-based community organizing alliance and supports their leadership development and research work. Donations can be made online through:  (Follow the link to Canada Helps and select The Calgary Alliance for the Common Good Fund.)

Cheques can be made out to the Industrial Areas Foundation Canada, with CACG in the memo line and sent to:

Industrial Areas Foundation Canada
PO Box 20094 RPO Fairview
Vancouver BC, V5Z 0C1

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Weekly News & Events November 2, 2020

Weekly News & Events: November 2-7

Now, join us in following through with our commitments by taking action on one of the following steps:

1. Take action on the city budget. Leading up to, and during the city budget discussion, the Calgary Alliance will send out emails that indicate what actions are needed. Keep an eye out for these and join us, as we take action to build a strong Calgary.

2. Join a Research Action Team. We have five research action teams. If you are interested in joining one – please email: [email protected].

  1. Mental Health – Meets the first Monday of every month at 7:00 pm on Zoom.
  2. Truth and Reconciliation - Meets the second Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm on Zoom.
  3. Environment – Meets the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm on Zoom.
  4. Social Isolation – Meets the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm on Zoom.
  5. Basic Income – Meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm on Zoom.

3. Attend the Foundations of Community Organizing Training. Monday’s and Thursday’s from November 16th – 30th at 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm on Zoom. This core training teaches the skills and philosophy that the Calgary Alliance’s work is based upon. To register go to:

4. As a part of our Fundraising Campaign, please consider becoming a monthly donor to support our work. Information detailing how to make a donation can be found at:


Upcoming Events

How to Use Social Media Effectively for Public Life: Nov. 5: 7pm

Social media is a powerful tool. Join us for this training to learn how to use social media to both strengthen communications within your organization and for collective public action. This webinar will be facilitated by Alex Middleton and Annelise Klingbeil from Champion Communications.

For more information and to register please click here.


Foundations for Community Organizing: Monday's & Thursday's November 16-30: Register here.


Grief and loss resulting from adverse events in life, including the current pandemic, can have multiple effects and impact mental health. When our worldview and sense of safety are altered existential and spiritual concerns often arise. Self-compassion and spirituality can play a key role in resilience and post-traumatic growth if facilitated.  This webinar will be facilitated by Dr. Heather M. Boynton who is an Assistant Professor in Social Work at the University of Calgary, and a Registered Social Worker who has worked in mental health for over 30 years as a Child and Family Therapist, Mental Health Consultant, and a Manager in Adult Services.

Learn more and register here.


Ongoing Monthly Events

Research Action & Strategy Meetings generally meet monthly and are always open to members of the alliance.


Mental Health Research Action:

 November 9 at 7p.m. (First Monday of every month except for when the first Monday falls on a holiday, in which case the meeting will be the second Monday.)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Truth & Reconciliation Research Action:

November 10 at 7:30 p.m. (Second Tuesday of every month)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Environment Research Action:

November 17 at 7:30 p.m. (third Tuesday of every month)

Join Zoom Meeting:


Social Isolation Research Action:

November 24 at 7 p.m. (Fourth Tuesday of every month)

Please note: the Zoom link for this meeting has changed to:


Strategy Team Meeting: 

November 26 at 10:15 a.m. (Fourth Thursday of every Month)

Join Zoom Meeting:


Other News

Volunteers Needed: Food Hamper Delivery

Volunteer Food Bank hamper delivery drivers are needed immediately on weekday mornings.  Time commitment is approximately 2 hours each shift that volunteers sign-up for online.  Volunteers can help out as much or as little as they wish.  For more information, click here.


News & Upcoming Events from our Member Organizations




Consumer Debt Negotiation Project

One of Calgary Alliance's board members and partners at the public law clinic at U of C is launching a service in partnership with Vibrant Communities Calgary to help people who might be facing foreclosure or eviction. Please see the links below for more details.



The Canadian Poverty Institute is partnering with Vibrant Communities Calgary to conduct an evaluation of the formal and informal emergency food assistance system. The purpose of the project is to develop recommendations that will improve the capacity of Calgary’s emergency food assistance system to effectively deliver food assistance in an emergency, especially during COVID-19. Please see the flyer below for more information and click here to take the survey.

Agile Leadership Training

The new Agile Leadership Training at St. Mary's University is designed to equip leaders with cutting-edge skills, an Agile mindset, and the knowledge to achieve sustainable agility in their organizations. Check it out here.


Calgary Interfaith Council & I-CARE Virtual Fall Open House

The next open house will be on  Nov. 5th  at 7 pm – 8:15  at Temple B’nai Tikvah.   Register by emailing [email protected] and you will be sent a zoom link..  Rabbi Mark Glickman will give a 30 minute presentation,  15 minute question and answer, virtual tour and dialogue. 

CIC Spiritual Dialogue Circles/Scriptural Reasoning.
Join a small groups of 12 or less that come together virtually on a monthly basis to learn from and about each others faith around a specific theme using sacred text.
If you are interested  one of these groups please send an email to [email protected]. CIC will be looking at starting another group in January if there is enough interest.


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Media Coverage

View previous media mentions here.