
Tipi Harvesting

We're partnering with Indigenous leaders this June to participate in a tradition: tipi harvesting. Located near Castle Falls, Alberta, there is a free cultural workshop on June 25th. The team will be meeting up at 8:30 AM in Piuncher Creek, then an introduction to harvestinng tipi poles, and then a chat with an Elder.

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You're Invited for Breakfast

One of the members of the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good, the Calgary Interfaith Council, is hosting a breakfast with Mayor Jyoti Gondek.

And you're invited.

It's part of this year's interfaith breakfast.

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Calgary, a Fair Trade City?

Above is a recording of a short briefing that was delivered by Erin Bird (Fair Trade Calgary) on the project. Timestamps are in the YouTube description.

Joining us for a discussion was Erin Bird (from Fair Trade Calgary) to discuss Calgary's ongoing journey towards becoming a Fair Trade designated Town. We chatted over Zoom in January for a brief presentation and questions.

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Media Coverage


Councillors propose scaled back version of Green Line

“I know a woman who lives in the NE and works at a care home in the south. She has to go bus, train, bus, bus and then back again,” said Rev. Anna Greenwood-Lee with the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good. “That’s a ridiculous commute and we need to think carefully how we get people from one side of our city to the other.”  

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"Coalition building in Calgary to defend the common good."

Ryan Andersen is the lead organizer of the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good, a coalition that brings together around 30 faith groups, union locals and community organizations representing about 35,000 people to organize, advocate and mobilize for a more just and compassionate vision for their city. Scott Neigh interviews him about the organization, about its slow and steady approach to community organizing, and about the victories it has won so far.

Our lead organizer, Ryan Andersen, was recently interviewed on the podcast. If you would like to listen the episode can be found here.

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