
You're Invited: Action Assembly 2022

Every four years, councillors sit down with the mayor and work on a budget that’ll guide the city’s finances. Between now and 2026, the fiscal direction of our city will be largely set, determining the fates of many programs, infrastructure and how we choose to shape our city, with only minimal changes each year in between.

This is a pivotal point in our city’s history and a moment that requires your attention. We have choices ahead of us as a community.



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Media Coverage

Sprawl: "In Tense Times, These Calgarians Make Space For Dialogue"

There’s also the recently launched Calgary Alliance for the Common Good, a non-partisan and non-profit organization of religious congregations, unions, school and community groups all working towards a better Calgary.

“The root of what we do, but also in some ways the most counter-cultural thing we do, is that we sit down and have lots of cups of coffee with people,” says Ryan Anderson, lead organizer. “It’s taking the time to encounter other people as human beings and to be curious about them."

The Sprawl wrote an article that featured the relational side of our work. It can be found here.

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